Jaime Bayly reveals that she deals with a stalker like in the Netflix series ‘Baby Reindeer’: “Leave me alone”

The renowned Peruvian writer and journalist Jaime Bayly has made a surprising revelation through his social networks and his YouTube channel: he is being harassed by a woman who sends him emails daily, in which she requests to have intimate relationships and threatens to do disappear his wife, Silvia Núñez del Arco, to be together.

The 59-year-old TV host has compared this situation to the plot of the hit Netflix series, ‘baby reindeer‘(‘Baby Reindeer’). Likewise, he showed his concern and has publicly asked the woman to stop harassing him, since his messages have begun to cause fear.

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Who is Jaime Bayly’s stalker?

In his video, Jaime Bayly revealed that he has had intense fans throughout his career, but that this situation is different and more alarming. The woman, whom he has called ‘Milagros’, writes to his public Gmail email every day.

The communicator recalled that, in the past, some fans waited for him at the end of his programs in Miami or made him inappropriate invitations, but nothing as disturbing as what he is experiencing now.

Lately, he writes to me every day without fail. A woman writes to my public email, gmail. Let’s call it ‘Miracles’. I showed three of those emails to Silvia and she told me that she has also written to them. With which she harasses me and my wife too”he detailed.

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What exactly does his stalker write to Jaime Bayly?

Jaime Bayly read some excerpts from the emails that ‘Milagros’ recently sent him. In one of them, the woman treats him like her grandson and expresses that they will only be able to be together when Silvia (his wife) is no longer present.

Dear grandson, I love you, I appreciate you, but you don’t want to be my pure friend, so we can’t be together because you will want to sleep with me. I would like us to be pure and decent friends. “Let’s go out for a walk, but I doubt your wife wants her to be your friend, at least for us all to go out together,” read one of the messages.

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In another email, the stalker mixes her religious beliefs with her desire to marry Bayly and have children, as long as he is no longer married.

I write to you because God tells me that you can take me, kidnap me and call me to be your wife, me happy, but only when you are without a wife. Only when you lose your current wife Silvia. Only then, when you are free, can you take me, make me yours, live together, have children and of course you have to worship and serve Jesus”.

Silvia Núñez de Arco and Jaime Bayly are just shy of celebrating 15 years of marriage. Photo: Jaime Bayly’s Instagram

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What did Jaime Bayly ask his stalker?

Although Jaime Bayly initially took the letters with humor, his perception changed after watching the series ‘Baby Reindeer’, which tells the story of a comedian harassed by a fan. This change made him realize the seriousness of the situation, and he has strongly asked ‘Milagros’ to stop writing to him.

“I just wanted to tell you that I have my Martha in real life and her name is Milagros, basically Silvia poisons me, she wants Silvia to be gone and then she and I become a couple. Dear Milagros, I beg you not to continue writing to me. “Leave me alone and don’t torture me with this,” expressed the author of the book ‘Don’t tell anyone’.

Finally, the writer emphasized that he has no intention of being friends with ‘Milagros’ or having any type of relationship with her. “If you are a grandmother, I ask you to humbly accept that we are not going to be decent or indecent friends or anything, I beg you to leave me alone.”he concluded.

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