Members Of Law Enforcement Should No Longer Believe Donald Trump Is The Law And Order President. Last Week, He Told A Lie That Put Members Of Law Enforcement In Danger. The False Assertion That “President Biden Sent The FBI Into My Home To Assassinate Me” Was So Alarming It Prompted Attorney General Merritt Garland To Make A Public Statement Claiming Trump’s Statement Was False. Unlike Trump, Most Self-Proclaimed Strongman Are Not Constantly Afraid That Someone Is Out To Get Them.

Metropolitan  policer officer Michael Fanone suffered a brain injury and heart attack as a result of the brutal physical attack he suffered by the crazed Trump insurrectionists at the Capitol on Jan. 6th. Capitol police officer Harry Dunne suffered physically and emotionally during the attack. He was threatened with violence and was verbally assaulted with racial slurs. While the Capitol was being overtaken by violent rioters then President Trump spent 186 minutes watching the violence on TV in the White House and took no action to stop it. Eyewitnesses say Trump ordered the barricades to be taken down so the rioters could stop the certification of the election by gaining access to the Capitol. He took no action to protect the police officers from the violent mob. He has shown no empathy for the lingering trauma the officers are still suffering. Instead, he is promising to give pardons to the felony attackers if he is re-elected. Hundreds of officers have been disrespected by Trump because he is more committed to his ” big lie” than showing support to the patriotic, dedicated victims of his racist, anti-democracy followers.
Garland takes action when public opinion forces his hands. The statement he made that counters Trump’s lie that Biden was ” locked and loaded” to get him killed had to be addressed by the DOJ. Garland told the country that Trump’s comments about the FBI search at Mara-a-Lago were “false and dangerous.” Trump is aware his supporters will get violent to protect him. His remarks put a target on the backs of law enforcement.
Additionally, attorneys and constitutional scholars agree that Garland is to blame for the delays in Trump’s trials. He was too concerned about being accused of weaponizing the DOJ by Republicans, so he delayed indicting Trump right after the insurrection. The MAGA GOP refers to any legal move made against a Republican weaponization. Garland’s caution about indicting Trump and his allies was a wasted effort. He Is A Good Man. He is A Patriot. However, Is He A Strong Enough Person to Aggressively Fight Domestic Terrorism Being Incited By Donald Trump, or Is He Too Worried About Criticism?
A day doesn’t go by without Trump spewing  baseless, ridiculous claims to create fear and anger in his base. This claim of a murder plot by Biden to kill him could only be believed by people who are in a cult or people who refuse to become informed of the facts. The truth about the search and seizure Justice Dept. document is:
“The operations order stipulates in part that Department of Justice officers “may use deadly force only when necessary if the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.” The policy is in the department’s Justice Manual. The goal is to “reduce” and not create unnecessary use of force. THIS LIE REVEALS JUST HOW LAZY AND GULLIBLE TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE. TRUMP KNOWS HIS LIE IS A LIE. IN PRIVATE, HE MUST ROLL HIS LIES AND LAUGH HIS HEAD OFF THAT EVERY RIDICULOUS STORY HE INVENTS IS BELIEVED BY HIS SUPPORTERS WITHOUT CORROBORATION.
Trump and Republican members of Congress have never shown any compassion for the brutal beatings the Capitol and DC police suffered at the hands of the Trump insurrectionists. In fact, they have ridiculed the beatings and injuries the police suffered at the hands of the Trump rioters. While Trump was safe in the White House and Senator Josh Hawley was running through through the Capitol halls to hide from the armed mob, police officers were being bloodied. The only police Trump likes are the ones who beat black men or women or those who see themselves and their behavior as being  beyond reproach.
Trump and his supporters lend empty lip service to being strong supporters of law enforcement but take no action. President Biden is quoted as saying, “You can’t be pro-law enforcement and pro-insurrection,” he said. “You can’t be a party of law and order and call the people who attacked the police on Jan. 6 patriots. You can’t do it.” LAW ENFORCEMENT SHOULD BREAK THEIR POLICY OF STAYING OUT OF POLITICS AND REJECT THE CANDIDACY OF A MAN WHO WANTS TO WRAPONIZE THE POLICE FOR HIS SELF-INTEREST.

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Judge orders SEC to pay crypto firm Debt Box's legal fees

Wed May 29 , 2024
Pin it A U.S. federal judge has ordered the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to pay approximately $1.8 million in legal fees to crypto firm Digital Licensing Inc., also known as Debt Box, after dismissing the SEC’s case against the company without prejudice. This means that the case could […]
A gavel and a stack of legal documents on a wooden desk, with the SEC logo and a cracked piggy bank in the background, representing the court's decision against the SEC and the financial implications.

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