Enough “Thoughts and Prayers”, God Has Nothing to do With Gun Violence!

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In a mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, 18 people lost their lives, and 13 others were injured. This tragic incident is sadly reminiscent of the recurring gun violence in the United States. Prior to the identification of the deceased and injured, several politicians, predominantly Republicans, have extended their thoughts and prayers.

Maine Democrat Congressman Jared Golden, previously an opponent of an assault weapons ban, has since reversed his position and is now advocating for such a ban. On the other hand, Maine U.S. Senator Susan Collins, who spoke as if she had a mouth full of marbles, declined to express support for an assault weapons ban. Notably, she refrained from offering her customary thoughts and prayers, perhaps recognizing that her prior staunch opposition to any form of gun control renders those sentiments useless.

To be honest, I’ve grown weary of hearing the phrase “thoughts and prayers” each time there’s a tragic loss of life due to mass shootings involving assault weapons. I have two concerns about offering prayers. Firstly, prayers, in my view, are ineffective. People have prayed for peace for countless years, yet history and current events have demonstrated that peace remains an elusive state for humanity.

Secondly, irrespective of one’s belief in God, the mere act of praying for an end to gun violence implies some level of divine responsibility for these acts. As I recall, God bestowed free will upon humans, setting us apart from animals. God didn’t compel someone to purchase an assault weapon; it was a conscious choice. God didn’t prompt someone to engage in a mass shooting spree; that, too, was a choice. God didn’t influence anyone to oppose gun control measures; it was members of Congress who did so, often motivated by contributions from the gun lobby. God didn’t ordain these individuals to become members of Congress; it was the people who voted for Republicans who allowed this to happen.

remember a phrase from my childhood religion classes that appears more fitting than offering “thoughts and prayers”: “God helps those who help themselves.” The relentless wave of nearly daily mass shootings in this nation will only worsen unless people cease relying solely on “thoughts and prayers” and take concrete actions. It’s imperative to stop voting for individuals who oppose gun control while accepting contributions from the gun lobby. We must refrain from prioritizing firearms, especially assault weapons, over the lives of our children and fellow Americans. Blaming God is not the solution; the responsibility lies with us.

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