The Catholic Church

 As all can see, all organizations become single-minded in time. In the past, nearly every straight person got married and had kids. In that the church had a celibacy clause, it offered an easy, sheltered life with status, wealth, and comfort. It was a natural haven for people disinclined to the opposite sex or inclined to children. They then actively selected like minded individuals, just as we see in journalism and academia. So it is almost a given that the church is a gay organization that does in fact recruit straight people for the trenches to insulate their leaders and camouflage the organization to prevent its exposure.

Of course, this may just be speculation, but it is not specious. Just the other day I was talking to a lesbian coworker who declared, unabashedly, that her community actively denies straights inclusion into the inner circle or club as it were, because of their perception that there are enough straights who are intolerant of their lifestyle such that elimination of them from the fold is necessary and justified. The fact that we see this at every opportunity, including government workers and the aforementioned, means that this speculation is not an unlikely reality, but an almost certain one.

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