Democrat Pettersen accused of being a genocidal war criminal by protesting lefties


It was only a matter of time before Colorado Democrats started eating their own this election season and protesting political events.

Their target this week is U.S. Rep. Brittany Pettersen, whose campaign kick-off in Lakeside was crashed by the anti-American, pro-Palestinian crowd.

Pettersen was accused of using her identity as a mother to commit war crimes.

That’s right, Pettersen identifies as being a mother. Truly shocking.

Democrats just never learn that it’s a bad idea to nurture every hair-brained trend their radical supporters turn out to protest every election year.

Pettersen got off easy with demands that she put an end to the occupation of a country that’s never existed.

It’s only a matter of time before her kind are cancelled for appropriating the culture of birthing people who identify as mothers.

Extra creepy points for the pro Palestinians accusing Pettersen — who is married to the grandson of Holocaust survivors — of being genocidal.



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