June 15, 2024 – GOPUSA Illinois


— Batavia considers policy on displaying flags at city hall – Susan Sarkauskas (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.)

— CBS 2 asks Chicago city official why migrants are being evicted from shelters (COMMENT: How many illegals have Democrats sent to your county, township, municipality, and school district? Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.)
— Chicago deputy mayor explains enforcement of 60-day shelter stay limits for migrants
— Democrats ever-increasingly push more pot.

— Military recruitment shortfall: Should US bring back the draft? – Ryan Bass (COMMENT: Especially during the 1960s and 1970s, Democrats demonized, denigrated, and condemned a) Vietnam War veterans and b) Republicans who avoided the Vietnam War draft.)
— Democrats ever-increasingly use Juneteenth to promote more hatred against Republicans.

— Illinois Republicans grapple with mail voting amid mixed signals from Trump — ‘We have to adapt’  A greater share of Chicago area Republicans cast their ballots by mail in March compared to the 2022 primary, but they were still vastly outpaced by Democrats in using a voting system that has become increasingly popular. – Mitchell Armentrout
— No extremist groups on list barring Chicago police officer membership, only street gangs. The document includes 675 gang factions that department members are forbidden from joining – but no hate or extremist groups. A police spokesperson indicated such groups will be identified on a case-by-case basis. – Tom Schuba and Dan Mihalopoulos (COMMENT: I should write a book about those who hinted/implied/argued/shouted the loudest that TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois and Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) were extremist/hate groups. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. I served as the TAPROOT chairman 2005-2012 and as an ICRC Steering Committee member 2003-2007.)

— Milwaukee reacts to Trump comments – Evan Casey
(FROM THE ARTICLE: But a Trump spokesperson says those comments were falsely characterized and he was talking about crime. A source who was in the room also reiterated to NPR that Trump was talking about crime and said he mentioned several cities. The source asked to remain anonymous to discuss details of a private meeting. And the former President Trump discussed the comment himself during an interview with Fox News. DONALD TRUMP: “I think it was very clear what I meant. I said, we’re very concerned with crime. I love Milwaukee. I have great friends in Milwaukee. But it’s – as you know, the crime numbers are terrible, and we have to be very careful.”)

— GAO details billions of wasted taxpayer dollars – KAYLA GASKINS  (COMMENT: The Democrats who ran GAO 1980-1997 wasted my career and forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Afternoon roundup


— China’s Revenge for Opium Wars: Our Fentanyl Epidemic – Greg Ganske (COMMENT: Countries that want to destroy America flood America with fentanyl.)

— Carris bashes Schneider over stance on allowing illegal immigrants in census for congressional representation in 10th congressional district.

— Group warns increased cannabis use connected to youth self-harm – Jim Talamonti (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly push more pot.)


— How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it. – Josh Christenson (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect that many millions of illegals will use their false identifications to register to vote and to vote for Biden.)
— Senate Republicans sink Democrats’ IVF legislation, push their own bill – Ryan King (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly use IVF to promote more hated against Republicans. I should write a book my Chicago office Democrat GAO superiors and how they severely punished me because my wife and I gave up trying to have children without trying IVF. They knew full-well that our doctor had advised us against it because both of us had major fertility problems. They stressed that my wife’s health insurance covered IVF. They fully expected/demanded that we adopt and/or become foster parents which we did not do.)
— Democrats ever-increasingly push more pot.

— Biden administration is using illegal immigrants to turn red states blue – Bobby Charles:
— ‘Unqualified DEI hire?’ – Vivek Saxena  (COMMENT: All my coworkers who my Democrat superiors in the federal government promoted over me a) were Democrats who had less work experience than I had, b) were Democrats who had less education than I had, c) were Democrats who had fewer professional certifications than I had or no professional certifications, d) were Democrats who had no professional license like the one I had and/or were Democrats who were minority, female, younger than me, veteran, non-Protestant, non-German American, and/or had ancestors who had not been in America for a long time. It is called political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, and national origin discrimination.)

— GAO identifies tens of billions of dollars of government waste – Casey Harper (COMMENT: The Democrats who ran GAO 1980-1997 wasted my career and forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)

— The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism – Victor Davis Hanson
— FBI Suspends Employee’s Clearance After Probing Trump Support – Fred Lucas, Tyler O’Neil (COMMENT: My Democrat GAO superiors were furious when CNN caught me camcording Bob Dole’s speech in Wheaton on July 4, 1996.)

— Steve Harvey defends giving Kamala Harris easy questions to help admin ‘get the word out’  ‘They owe us,’ Harvey declared about racial reparations, joking, ‘I’ll go down there!’ – Alexander Hall (COMMENT: My Republican critics/opponents have always been extremely critical of questions that I have asked or might ask Republican candidates as a GOPUSA reporter. I should write a book about my Republican critics/opponents, their Republican candidates, the questions that they did not want me to ask or feared that I would ask their Republican candidates, and what they did to stop me from asking their Republican candidates questions and punished me for asking questions. I would focus on Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct since 2000. I would focus on those candidates who have blamed me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters the most for their defeats.)

— Republican U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance Wants to Stop all Federal DEI Programs – J.D. DAVIDSON (COMMENT: My critics/opponents use DEI to get rid of Republicans who are conservative, White, male, older, non-veteran, have more money than they have, Protestant, German American, and/or who have ancestors who have been in America for a long time. They certainly use DEI against me. I should write a book about my critics/opponents.)

— Joe Biden Watched His Dog Commander Bite Secret Service Agents, Then Accused Them of Lying. (COMMENT: I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me the most for my not being a dog owner like they are.)

— My critics/opponents use DEI to get rid of Republicans who are conservative, White, male, older, non-veteran, have more money than they have, Protestant, German American, and/or who have ancestors who have been in America for a long time. They certainly use DEI against me. I should write a book about my critics/opponents.

— Biden Eyes Work Permits, Benefits for Illegal Migrants

— The Middle Class Built America. They Now Take a Backseat to Illegal Immigrants. – James Fitzpatrick (COMMENT: It is ever-increasingly difficult/impossible to be middle class without having a college degree. My father frequently decried his not having a college degree. That motived me to earn one even though I was not viewed as being “college material.”)


— Biden preparing to offer legal status to undocumented immigrants who have lived in U.S. for 10 years – Camilo Montoya-Galvez (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly use Hollywood against Trump.

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more transgenderism.
— Minorities and females who continue blame their problems on Whites and/or on men continue to want race and gender based preference giving to continue to a) ask for/demand it, b) vote for candidates who promise it, and c) destroy those like me who oppose it. I should write a book about the aforesaid. I would focus on minorities and females and those who pander to them who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.

— FRONT PAGE: Democrats ever-increasingly use IVF against Republicans.
— FRONT PAGE WITH PICTURE: Democrats ever-increasingly use the Pope against Republicans.
— House G.O.P. Pushes Through Defense Bill Nixing Abortion Access Policy – Robert Jimison

— Democrats and RINOs ever-increasingly use “reproductive rights,” that is, abortion, contraception, and IVF against Republicans.
— FRONT PAGE: Why Democrats Keep Losing the Battle for Small-Town America. Voters in rural North Carolina reflect the mounting challenges facing President Biden in swing states, voicing discontent with the economy, illegal immigration and inflation. – Valerie Bauerlein

— Chicago’s Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance Takes Effect Soon – Are You Ready? – Kathleen A. Barrett, Lydia Pincsak (COMMENT: Ever since I started working part-time for the Park Forest Post Office when I was 18 years old in 1966, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been furious about my benefitting from generous federal vacation and sick leave policies.)

— Trump’s Age Newsworthy Today (COMMENT: How old are you? I am 75. How much has your health declined? As I get older, I ever-increasingly fight age discrimination. When I turned 40 in 1988, I became an active member in a class action lawsuit that charged my superiors with age discrimination. Even before that, I complained about their up-or-out policies. They wrote me off as being too old because they had not promoted me to GS-13 (currently $118,439/year) before I was 25, to GS-14 (currently $136,414/year) before I was 30, to GS-15 (currently 160,458/year) before I was 35, and to Senior Executive Service (currently $191,900/year) before I was 40. My Democrat GAO superiors forced me to take a $22,996/year (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars, a downgrade from GS-12 Step 5 to GS-9 Step 10) to transfer from IRS. They did not promote me to GS-13 until I was 38 in 1986. In defense of my age, I stress the GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters that I continue to put together and send out each and every morning.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The former president’s age is currently front-and-center in the national landscape, as Donald Trump turns 78 today. Both he and 81-year-old Joe Biden are setting records as the oldest major-party candidates ever to run for U.S. president. The age and cognitive sharpness of both candidates have dominated the discourse this election cycle, overshadowing policy discussions as the November 5 election approaches. . .A February Reuters/Ipsos poll revealed that 78% of Americans, including 71% of Democrats, believe Biden is too old for government service. About 53% felt the same about Trump, who served as president from 2017 to 2021. “It’s not about age, it’s about mental competence,” commented Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt, who stated Trump remains “sharp as a tack with elite stamina.” Presidential historian Timothy Naftali claimed that while Trump exudes energy in public, it does not necessarily correlate with mental acuity. “It’s not clear listening to the two men who’s in better command of his faculties,” he said. History professor Allan Lichtman noted that Trump’s own gaffes could raise concerns about his cognitive health.)

— Car companies are now planning for a future that isn’t 100% EV – TODD LASSA

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years — Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.
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Mon Jun 17 , 2024
Pin it https://leoboard.in/2024/06/16/june-15-2024-gopusa-illinois/#NDAtSW5kaWFucy1 कुवैत: मंगाफ में बुधवार सुबह एक इमारत में लगी भीषण आग में 41 लोगों की मौत हो गई और 30 घायल हो गए। मरने वालों में 40 भारतीय शामिल हैं। कुवैत में भारतीय दूतावास ने कहा कि आग की घटना में 30 से अधिक भारतीय श्रमिक घायल […]
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