Amritsar Weather: 10-Day Forecast Guide

Amritsar Latest Today Weather Update

Amritsar, a city steeped in history and culture, also experiences a distinctive climate that significantly shapes daily life and activities. Situated in the northwestern state of Punjab in India, Amritsar’s weather exhibits characteristics typical of the region, influenced by its geographical location and proximity to the Thar Desert. Understanding the weather patterns in Amritsar is crucial for residents, tourists, and anyone planning activities in this vibrant city.

Overview of Amritsar Weather

Amritsar features a semi-arid climate, characterized by hot summers and chilly winters. The city experiences four distinct seasons: summer, monsoon, autumn, and winter. Each season brings its own charm and challenges, making Amritsar a city of diverse weather experiences throughout the year.

Summer Weather in Amritsar

Summer in Amritsar stretches from April to June, with May being the hottest month. During this period, temperatures soar, often exceeding 40°C (104°F). The weather is typically dry with clear skies, occasionally punctuated by dust storms due to the city’s proximity to the desert. It’s advisable to stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during these months.

Monsoon Season

The monsoon season arrives in Amritsar in July and lasts through September. During this time, the city receives much-needed rainfall, which provides relief from the scorching heat of summer. The showers are often accompanied by thunderstorms, cooling down the temperature and replenishing the agricultural lands around the city. However, sudden downpours can sometimes lead to localized flooding, so caution is advised during heavy rains.

Autumn Weather

Autumn, spanning from October to November, brings pleasant weather to Amritsar. Temperatures gradually decrease, making it a favorable time for outdoor activities and sightseeing. The skies remain clear, offering crisp mornings and cooler evenings, making it an ideal season to explore the city’s cultural and historical landmarks.

Winter Climate

Winter in Amritsar lasts from December to February, with January being the coldest month. During this season, temperatures can drop significantly, often dipping below 5°C (41°F) at night. The days are generally mild and sunny, but the mornings and evenings can be quite chilly. Warm clothing is essential, especially for visiting outdoor attractions like the Golden Temple or attending the famous Wagah Border ceremony.

Current Weather Conditions and 10-Day Forecast

As of the latest update, the weather in Amritsar is transitioning from the scorching heat of early summer to the onset of the monsoon season. Here’s a detailed 10-day weather forecast to help you plan your activities:

  • Day 1-3: Expect sunny weather with temperatures ranging from 35°C to 38°C. It will be dry with moderate humidity levels.
  • Day 4-5: Increasing cloud cover with a possibility of isolated showers or thunderstorms in the evening. Temperatures will range from 33°C to 36°C.
  • Day 6-8: Continued chances of scattered showers, particularly in the afternoon. Daytime temperatures around 32°C, with cooler evenings.
  • Day 9-10: Mostly clear skies with a slight decrease in humidity. Temperatures will be between 30°C to 34°C during the day and cooler at night.

Weather in Amritsar Cantt.

Amritsar Cantonment, or Amritsar Cantt., experiences weather patterns similar to the rest of the city but is characterized by a more organized and planned infrastructure due to its military significance. Residents of Amritsar Cantt. enjoy the same climate variations, though urban planning often mitigates some of the environmental extremes experienced in other parts of the city.


Understanding the weather in Amritsar is essential for both residents and visitors alike, as it significantly impacts daily plans and activities throughout the year. Whether you’re exploring the historic sites, shopping in bustling markets, or simply enjoying the local cuisine, being prepared for the weather ensures a more enjoyable experience in this culturally rich city. Stay updated with the latest forecasts to make the most of your time in Amritsar, regardless of the season.

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