The Shocking New Book “The Apprentice In Wonderland” Reveals Evidence Of Trump’s Impaired Cognitive Functioning And An Admission That He Lost The 2020 Election.

The six interviews with Trump and journalist Ramin Seetoodeh conducted between 2021-2023 put to rest any credibility or legitimacy to Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency. His answers to many questions during the interview revealed a deficiency with short-term memory and orientation to timelines. Mr. Seetoodeh described Trump’s participation in politics as an extended reality TV show season where performing for crowds, appearing on television, and watching his poll numbers is what he cares about. Policy or political ideology is used as a tool for Trump to stay relevant as a showman.  HE IS GOOD AT CONVINCING REALITY SHOW JUNKIES THAT HE IS AN AUTHENTIC POLITICIAN WHO CARES ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION, CHRISTIANITY, OR BETTERING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE WHO, BEHIND THE CURTAIN, HE CALLS SHEEP AND LOSERS.
Ramin Setoodeh’s forthcoming book casts Trump not as a failure of our political system but as a Frankenstein monster manufactured by reality TV.

by Ron Charles, ( Washington Post, June, 14, 2024)

Does Donald Trump think Joan Rivers loved him so much she came back from the dead 2 to vote for him two years after she died? ( malignant narcissism). Does he know someone fraudulently voted for Joan and committed voter fraud? ( accessory to voter fraud).  Is he unable to sequence the timeline of events in his life? ( diminished cognitive functioning). Or does he get so emotionally jacked up during interviews that he states lies as facts because it makes him feel good? (pathological liar).

Seetoodeh reports that Trump could not recall their prior interview, which was only several months ago. He also excused himself because he had to work on the Afghanistan situation, seeming not to know he was out of office and had no role to play in foreign affairs.

During the Seetoodeh interview, Trump admitted that he lost the election. Immediately after he lost, Trump said to chief of staff Mark Meadows “I don’t want people to know we lost, Mark. This is embarrassing. Figure it out. We need to figure it out. I don’t want people to know that we lost.’” ( Business Insider, Oct. 2022)  He knew he lost. His family, members of his administration, and legal advisors told him he lost. Journalist Seetoodeh equates Trump’s reaction to losing the election with his experience of having his NBC ratings go down and The Apprentice being cancelled. Seetoodeh describes Trump as primarily a performer who craves attention, applause, and high ratings. Without getting the accolades of a TV star that he receives from his voters, Trump would immediately leave politics. The interviews revealed that the performance antics Trump delivers every time he is in front of a microphone is because he has turned his political career into an episodic television show.

The Apprentice in Wonderland by Seetoodeh explains why Trump’s political positions change based on what his supporters want, what his donors donate, and what the poll numbers are. If he was guaranteed to win the presidency if he chose Ru Paul as his running mate, he would tell his evangelical supportersv to buzz off with their homophobia. The good news is, like with The Apprentice, audiences got bored watching Trump’s arrogant, abusive shtick and rejected him and America is getting ready to do the same.

He is repetitive, predictable, and getting more strange every day.

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