Cam Edwards Gives X an Update on His Wife and a Way for YOU to Help Lift Her Spirits – Twitchy

Most of you dear readers know who Cam Edwards is and the battle with cancer that his wife, Miss E, has been fighting for years now, and y’all have an opportunity to do something so sweet for them right now! He posted this update for us earlier in the day today:

His full post reads as such:

Update on Miss E and a request for your help in giving her something to smile about.   It’s been eight years since the docs first discovered a mass in her lungs, and she’s been fighting like hell ever since. Her last scans showed the tumors are growing once again, so next week she goes back on chemo/immunotherapy.  Her spirits are good, and she’s making plans for the future, including attending her high school reunion this fall. She’s also entered a contest where she could win a cooking experience with one of her favorite chefs, which is where you come in.  In order to move on to the final rounds, she needs to finish first in her group. Right now she’s in second place, and this round of voting ends on Thursday evening.  I  feel awkward and weird about asking for your help, but I really would love to see her win this thing, if only to give her something else to look forward to while she’s going through the suck. If you’re so inclined, you can cast your vote for her here: If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading. And even if you don’t want to cast a vote, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I truly believe they’re making a difference. Thanks again.


We will have the link for you later in this article as well, or you can click his tweet and get it there! In the meantime, we here at Twitchy want to compile all the prayers and well-wishes for Miss E that we can find!

Excellent show, by the way. Highly recommended!

She is an incredibly tough woman, that’s for sure.

Awesome news! Let’s keep it up and make sure she stays at #1!

The best people. True salt of the earth here.

HA, that’s good!

The link to cast your vote for Miss E is Elaine Selfridge | Favorite Chef presented by Carla Hall ( .

We here at Twitchy just want her and Cam to know that we ALWAYS have them covered in prayers. 

Miss E – you are so very loved by so many people, and we’re here for you guys no matter what. Keep fighting the good fight! We love you!


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