Restaurant review: Al Volo – POLITICO

What’s not? As its name implies, Al Volo (which means “on the fly” or “on the go”) isn’t the best place for a sit-down meal. Thankfully, the nearby Leopold Park is a pleasant alternative — if you can manage to shield your lunch from the local wildlife.  

Vibe: Down-to-earth and friendly, with a clientele composed mostly of Eurocrats and their entourage.

Who’s picking up the check? Al Volo won’t break the bank, but it isn’t cheap either. The Vegetariano will set you back €6.30, while sandwiches containing meat can cost as much as €8.20. Add extras and your bill will creep up into the double digits.

Spotted: An alluring selection of Italian jams and biscuits for sale behind the counter.

Insider tip: The Autogrill, with chicken and homemade mayo, is an homage to Italy’s eponymous roadside restaurants. It’s nostalgia in a baguette for anyone who’s spent time on the country’s motorways.

Fun factAl Volo also sells artisanal ice cream to those in need of something sweet to round off their meal. Buon appetito!

How to get there: Al Volo is just off Jourdan Square. It’s a 10-minute stroll downhill from the Schuman roundabout or Luxembourg Square.

Review published on  June 27, 2024. Illustration by Dato Parulava/POLITICO

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