‘Keep your rubbish with yourself’: Harbhajan Singh blasts Michael Vaughan for his semifinal venue favoured India comment | Cricket News

NEW DELHI: Former England captain Michael Vaughan raised questions about the scheduling of the T20 World Cup that favoured India heavily. He pointed out that India’s semifinal venue was predetermined even before they secured their spot in the last-four stage of the tournament.
After India exacted a sweet revenge of their 2022 T20 World Cup semifinal loss against England with a thumping 68-run, Vaughan continued to remain defiant with his stand.
“If England had beaten SA they would have got the Trinidad semi and I believe they would have won that game .. So no complaints they haven’t been good enough .. But Guyana has been a lovely venue pick for India,” he wrote on X.
But Vaughan’s post did not sit well with former India star spinner Harbhajan Singh who handed him a reality check and enlightened him about the misery England suffered against India in all departments of the game.

“What makes u think Guyana was a good venue for India ? Both Teams played on the same venue . England won the toss that was an advantage. Stop being silly . England was outplayed by India in all departments. Accept the fact and Move on and keep ur rubbish with urself. Talk logic not Nonsense,” Harbhajan responded.
Talking about the match, India posted 171 for seven after being put into bat in the rain-hit match at the Providence Stadium in Guyana with skipper Rohit Sharma (57) and Suryakumar Yadav (47) scoring bulk of the runs on a slow track.
England were all out for 103 in the 17th over, never really recovering from a top-order collapse and surrendering to India’s spin duo of Axar Patel and Kuldeep Yadav, who claimed three wickets apiece.
Vaughan has often criticised the BCCI and India for flexing their muscle and financial might in international cricket.
“Well, it’s their tournament isn’t it? Literally it’s that. You know that. They get to play whenever they want, they know exactly where their semi-final is, they play every single game in the morning so people can watch them at night, obviously in India on the television,” Vaughan said during a podcast with Australian great Adam Gilchrist on the YouTube channel Club Prairie Fire.

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