In the information age, fed by the expanse of the internet we have ways
to escape the conditioning that elites use to mold our minds. Do we take
them? Or are we STILL subject to the same old spin from above?

There are those who manage to wear their rose-tinted spectacles
their whole lives long. Most of us however know that there are many
vicissitudes which can affect and alloy even true love. When it comes to
war they say that the truth is the first casualty as any war starts. If
we look back at wars of the past we will also find that this fact very
definitely covers the reporting of those wars also.

When a nation goes into war mode its news media is expected to
support not only the troops but also the narratives their state employs
to effect that support and as a secondary effect to bolster morale among
the general population and keep them onside. This is a very
understandable phenomenon during wartime. National goals are emphasised.
The military essentially can do no wrong as far as reporting is
concerned, just as the enemy can do nothing right.

With the above being true you might think that all would be clear
across the board, that the news of the war is never objective and is
always partial toward the home nation and its stated national interests.
However, it can be seen by comments made across the internet that many
among the populations of the West conceive the news they are receiving
on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia can be taken at face value. 

In times of war politicians and media elites suspend all normal
rules regarding honesty in communications. This was seen in all of the
regime change wars initiated by the western powers in recent years. Time
after time statements making claims about enemies of various targeted
states were false. It might have been expected that the revelations on
the fabrications foisted on western populations by western political and
media elites may have created an enormous army of skeptics. That it did
not can be seen by the remaining high level of gullibility concerning
the conflict in Ukraine.

Perhaps it is the sheer volume of pro-Ukrainian, anti-Russian
material across the internet and mass media, delivered over the term of
the conflict and, in the case of Vladimir Putin, for decades before,
that has had a deeply conditioning effect and it is this effect that has
created so many believers for this material. Repeating accusations over
and over, leaving out qualifying terms such as ‘possible’, ‘claimed’,
and ‘reported’ and ignoring that there is insufficient evidence to make
such claims. Due to the different jurisdictions involved there is no
redress before the law for the targets of these claims.

In addition to the above, there is still wide acceptance and respect
for western institutions such as the International Criminal Court (ICC)
which is clearly now acting as an arm of western states who are
prosecuting the conflict in Ukraine on behalf of the Ukrainian regime.
This further muddies the water and, in combination with western
politicians and media baldly and repeatedly accusing Russia and the
Russian authorities of various illegal acts without any evidence or any
attempt to provide a holistic picture of events it becomes relatively
easy to see why many have been persuaded to drop any skepticism they may
previously have had.

War brings out the worst in all of us. Rationality disappears to a
large extent, replaced by a jingoistic and highly tribal emotional
response. We want our team to win and we will not brook hearing anything
positive about those opposing us. This desire is used to the absolute
limit by both the political and media elites to generate the hatred and
loathing that must always accompany war if it is to be fought at its
maximum effect. This being said, the consequences for the intellects
involved in terms of continued rationality both as the war continues and
after it has ceased are likely to be considerable. 

All wars produce casualties and this holds true not only for those
directly fighting within them, but also for the populations of the
nations involved who are subjected to, at a minimum constant
conditioning and, more seriously outright, sustained propaganda. The
after effects of war can be dire. Politicians and media elites may
degrade the sphere of communication to such a degree that it never quite
recovers. Such I believe is the arena of lies the western world is now
completely embroiled within that the distortion, deception and blatant
conditioning will damage it and its people for decades to come.  

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