A Challenge to Global Humanity’s Peace and Security – UncommonThought

[Photo: Gaza woman in the rubble, (Manusco.)]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

The Fallacy of Peace Resolutions and Gaza

 The AIPAC glues the US political thinking hubs to Israeli interests, war on Palestine, and military alliance to the unquestioned support of its security operations. The plan imagines the conquest of the Arab world. The dead-conscious oil-exporting Arab leaders and their 75% NGP investments in the US make no difference in politics and practices. President Biden’s Three-phase Peace Proposal is nothing more than an ambiguous paper chase to be reinterpreted for conflicting aims while the IDF continues the war and killing of civilians across Gaza. The US and Israel are powerful entities to dictate to the Arabs and other actors in the war theatre. The Arab-Muslim leaders (if any) are not part of the Peace Proposal but a robotic puzzle on the chessboard to be used by the US administration. Ironically, a blame game assumes the high agenda item as if Israel is serious about ending the war. Not so, PM Netanyahu plans to continue the war and eradicate the Hamas presence across Gaza. The Israeli leaders and media exhibit hatred toward Arabs and Muslims, degradation, and political vices not seen in any other civilized culture. An aerial view of Jerusalem shows overwhelming Islamic architecture and people’s culture in the streets, not the forgotten legend of  Jewish culture. Despite public evidence of crimes against humanity and ‘genocide’ in Gaza, Arab Muslims have never expressed any hatred, prejudice, or defamation against Jews or Judaism but respect and honor for the followers of Moses and Torah. This appears in sharp contrast to Netanyahu’s Ultra Nationalist partners calling “Death to Arabs” at the Al-Aqsa Holy compound on Flag Day celebration in East Jerusalem. Netanyahu needs conflict to maintain his premiership. Reportedly last week, more than 120,000 Israeli citizens demanded his resignation, the return of hostages, and peace in Palestine. Truth is One but hourly-paid political mythologists of peace and security would camouflage and reinvent the logic as if truth is a hypothetical construct, not a factual reality. After eight months of the continuing insanity of war, the Biden administration took the initiative for varied reasons to plan a draft resolution of a three-phase peace plan in Gaza. 

 The UNSC 14 nation security council passed the resolution for the peace plan (with Russia abstaining) but its implementation rests on many unanswered questions in which Israel and the US are directly involved. Hamas says it is willing to work out the ceasefire and other arrangements via the mediators. Irrespective of the UNSC resolution, nothing appears to have changed on the ground as Israeli forces continued to bombard the innocent people causing massive destruction of life and habitat to a point of no return to normalcy. The previous UNSC and the General Assembly calls for an immediate ceasefire and global solidarity protests to support Palestinian freedom remain unchanged. Is Biden and Netanyahu playing with their political future? Do they breathe oxygen in conflicting time zones?

 Netanyahu and Biden look despotic using the logic of power as the source of polemic strategies violating the international civilized norms of human safety, conflict resolution, and peacemaking. They define these traits in conspicuous terminology. There is an alarming trend of complicity and cruelty originating in Western Europe (Britain, Germany, and France), supporting the Israeli war to punish all Palestinians across the Gaza Strip collectively.  

 All Western Constructs of International Humanitarian Laws, Geneva Conventions, Civic Values, and Hopes Have Been Violated

 Where are the so-called International Humanitarian Law and the protocols of the Geneva Conventions offering protection to civilians in the war against functional hospitals, places of worship and medical professionals, and supplies of unrestrained foods and other necessities for human survival? There is no conversation to end the war. Unlikely as it seems any US intervention to stop Israel’s carnage of Rafah as President Biden would need AIPAC money and support to win the elections. Both Biden and Secretary Blinken played with time to allow PM Netanyahu’s political failure to achieve military objectives in Gaza. None is committed to peace with Palestinians. An Israeli Professor and Rabbi of Philosophy and Religions narrates his story to this author, why he left Israel seeking a new life in Canada. There was no peace and normalcy in life…. Jews are divided, atheist, secular, Zionists, and lost the precepts of the faith of Moses – the Divine Judaism. Israeli leaders are misleading people for their own political power, not for the good of the Israeli masses or peace or a sustainable future. Israel, to the Rabbi, could be at the edge of unknown disasters of survival in the Middle East unless it rethinks and reshapes its policies and practices to co-exist with the people of Palestine.

 Israel and America are Afraid of the Phenomenon of Political Change Becoming Obsolete

 The Arab-Muslim leaders live in dark ages, just as blind stooges and puppets of the US – a scum floating on a torrent. They have no faith, no moral credibility, and no leadership legitimacy to represent the masses. The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman called Jared Kushner a friend to do business and normalize relations with Israel but Kushner advocates “ethnic cleansing” of the people of Gaza. Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza to ‘Finish the Job” (Common Dreams: 3/25/24), explains Jake Jonson:

Kushner, who served as a key Middle East adviser to Trump, said that Gaza’s “waterfront property could be very valuable” and urged Israel to “clean it up.”…. that if he were in charge of Israeli policy, he would push Gaza civilians into Egypt or Israel’s Negev desert—a proposal that critics denounced as ethnic cleansin.

America and Israel are fearful of the phenomenon of change as it could make them obsolete and unfit for the future even with all the imaginary power and monetary influence. They are bewildered with no sense of time, strengths, and weaknesses – how to collaborate for an uncertain future. Do civilizations grow out of the moral mire, tyranny, and military conquests? 

 The Israeli – American Leaders Deny the Truth of a Living Earth they Bomb to Destroy Humanity

 Every beginning has its end and every nation lives it’s time to see the end and not infinity. There is no life and no history of manipulating the Earth and humanity by powerful aggressors against the Laws of God – natural causes. Have you not walked on the earth to learn how most powerful nations of the past were destroyed by the Will of God – asks the Divine Revelations. We, the People live in a splendid Universe in which planet Earth floats ordained by the commands of God. We are moral beings, unlike animals that possess the eyes, ears, and other senses but cannot draw logical conclusions from their senses. There is a moral sense of spirituality and humanity to co-exist in harmony with the rest of all creations on this Earth. This trust is explicitly mentioned in the Qur’an, Chapter 33: 72:  “We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth; And the mountains but they refused; To undertake it, being afraid thereof: But man undertook it; He was indeed unjust and foolish.”    

 Have you ever thought about how the day-night alternates systematically to serve mankind? “Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day – There are indeed Signs for men of understanding.” (3: 190). Do you know who else other than God determined the Earth spinning at 1670 km per hour? Who other than God ordained it to orbit the sun at 107,000 km per hour?  And who other than God made it spin at 28,437 km per hour at the equator as verified by (New Scientist,

Be aware that earth average distance to the Sun is about 93 million miles (105 million km); the distance of Moon from Earth is currently 384,821 km equivalent to 0.002572 Astronomical Units and if the distance between the Earth-Sun and the Earth-moon were ever to change, there will be no sign of life, human civilizations or habitats left on Earth. 

We, the humans have one origin –  why can’t we co-exist in peace and harmony? It is God Who has created you from dust; Then from a sperm-drop. Then from a leech-like clot; Then He does get you out (into the light)As a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old, Though of you there are, some who die before; And lets you reach a Term appointed; in order that ye May learn wisdom.  (Chapter 40: 67: The Qur’an)

 Lessons of history are deliberately ignored – people holding gospels in one hand have driven mankind to the insanity of Two WW with another hand without an end in sight to the continued crimes against humanity and genocide as now being witnessed in Gaza. Are there any prospects of political change and new thinking for a sustainable world of tomorrow? Even the Biden’s so-called Three phase peace proposal does not offer any hope for an immediate ceasefire, peace, reconciliation and harmony among the people of Israel and Palestine and global humanity as these appear to be passing illusions, crippled global aspirations, not the facts of life which warrant a navigational change to the US policies and practices in the Middle East.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and is the author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Germany, 12/2019.

All material is under a Creative Common share with attribution license unless otherwise noted.

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