My Letter to Harriett Baldwin, Tory MP

Dear Harriett Baldwin,

I am writing to you as your constituent. I struggle to give adequate expression
to the outrage I feel at the hideous abuse this whole country has been
subjected to by the over-entitled, lazy, egotistical, brazenly deceitful Boris

To make things worse, Conservative MPs hiding behind the Sue Gray
‘investigation’ are rubbing salt into a very painful wound. Pretending that
anything will come of it, or that this deplorable PM is capable of change or
has any desire for it, is a shameless insult to our intelligence. It doesn’t take genius to know that Sue Gray’s work is done, because the truth is already out. Boris Johnson broke
the law and lied about it. The only investigation needed now is by the Met
Police. Who have backed right away despite having fined people £12,000 for
lesser infractions! Where is the justice in that? 

Sir Keir Starmer asked the PM if he thought the British people were stupid. The
answer to that is clear. And obviously a slew of Conservative MPs and the Met
think we are too. Kudos to the Conservative MPs who have chosen not to hide
behind Ms Gray and have called for Johnson’s resignation.

But because they’re in the minority, he has been given the opportunity of
foisting all responsibility onto staff members (who relied on him for their jobs) and playing a version of Wag
the Dog by proposing right wing policies that are headline-grabbing, especially
for the ilk of the Daily Mail. All he’s doing is trying to save his own skin. Apart from the disgracefulness of it, it’s the
height of stupidity for the PM to throw people who have been loyal to him to
the wolves and for the Party to let him get away with it, staining Conservative
reputation so badly one wonders if it will ever recover, eroded as it already

Accountability is a core feature of integrity. The Conservative Party sold its
own, along with its soul, long ago when it chose Boris Johnson, despite it
being common knowledge that his character was highly questionable and that he
was clearly unfit to lead. It was public knowledge at the time of his selection
that he was a self-indulgent narcissist with no respect for truth or other
human beings, and had been so since he was young.

We’ve all suffered horrifically because of that choice and the Party is now
established as being riddled with corruption. Well, who could have predicted
that? The world looks on us with disparagement, distaste and absolute disgust,
much as it looked on the US under Donald Trump.

I hope you will take this seriously. I want to believe that you have regard for
integrity and truth and an understanding of how vital those qualities are in
any human being, let alone a government. Enough pretense. Enough dancing around Sue Gray. The truth needs to be
acknowledged and Boris Johnson needs to be booted out. As your constituent I
need to know that you will send in your no-confidence letter to the 1922
Committee and show us that you care in a real way about the people you have the
high honour of representing in Parliament

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