The Year 2022 May End Up Being the Craziest Ever!

Normally, I wouldn’t use an exclamation point in a heading, but let’s be honest: this year has been way beyond crazy.

Starting in February, we saw the Russian INVASION of Ukraine in continuation of the annexation of Crimea in 2014/15. Furthermore, the United Kingdom got new Prime Ministers – plural. One lady won the competition promising things that ended up being destructive for their economy, and the other candidate who in fact warned that this would happen then got the baton. All culminating in former President Donald J Trump announcing he will run again in 2024…

Politics Is an Insane Business

It is so insane once you begin thinking about what is going on in this world. We have never been as polarized as we are today – and that is really bad news because many of the global challenges require us to cooperate if we want to create lasting solutions.

We need to realize how our politicians need to stop showing their egos, and need to start communicating with mutual respect with one another. Some of the current events can potentially end up in a very real world war – and that is so stupid when it is possible to avoid it if only world leaders would meet up and DO something that would be beneficial for all parties involved.

Why Is World Peace So Difficult?

Religious people would probably claim people need more religion, but that would be wrong. Many of the conflicts are in fact based on religious grudges between people. So religion in itself is no sure.

There may be elements from religious thinking that could be useful, but we need to get politicians to meet without any preconceived ideas about the things they are forced to solve. The environment needs urgent attention, and conflicts need similar attention – yet none of this is as obvious for world leaders as it is for us lay-people….

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