Glasgow City Council has backed a landmark motion in support of Gaza and the people of Palestine.  The Solidarity With Palestine motion was carried on 28 March 2024, by 78 votes to 2.  The two Tory member amendment was voted down in favour of the Green/SNP/Labour composite motion.  Yet, even […]

The staggering level of slaughter continues in Gaza. At least 37,877 people are now known to have been murdered by Israel, including more than 15,000 children, with at least 86,969 people injured.  Even these are almost certainly underestimates of the true losses, given the near collapse of death and injury reporting procedures. A figure of […]

Share the post “Jockeying for Position in the Void” The outcome of Sunday’s second round remains unpredictable. The désistements have made it even more improbable that the RN will win an absolute majority … unless, of course, voters decide not to act as the automata that the logic of “republican discipline” supposes. […]

Share the post “Ruffin Diverges, Tondelier Emerges” This electoral sequence certainly has not provided the “clarification” President Macron hoped for when he dissolved the National Assembly, but it has cleared up a few things on the left. Mélenchon’s purge of Corbière, Garrido, et al. set his authoritarian proclivities in relief […]

Normally, I wouldn’t use an exclamation point in a heading, but let’s be honest: this year has been way beyond crazy. Starting in February, we saw the Russian INVASION of Ukraine in continuation of the annexation of Crimea in 2014/15. Furthermore, the United Kingdom got new Prime Ministers – plural. […]

We should talk about the elephant in the room. On good days, the current President is excellent with a good ability to say things as they should be said. On bad days, he is almost impossible to understand as he mumbles and is totally incoherent in his line of thinking. […]

It’s time to dispel the myth that one political party is the party of true, constitution-loving, patriots. Senator Britt in her kitchen table bedtime story underscored the idea that has been a primary talking point for Republicans – that they are the ones “steeped in the blood of patriots who […]

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