Source; Adobe Stock We shall never be successful over the dangers that confront us; we shall never achieve true greatness, nor reach the lofty ideal which the founders and preservers of our mighty Federal Republic have set before us, unless we are Americans in heart and soul, in spirit and […]

During the month of June 2024 – I attended the following meetings or events in the month of June 2024: * June 5th – Meeting of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission * June 17th – Attended Special Williams Lake City Council with Cariboo RD Board Vice-Chair Melynda Neufeld re: future […]

Ian Bushfield, Executive Director, BC Humanist Association said: “Nine years after the Saguenay, Quebec ruling, we’re thrilled to be able to declare BC’s municipal council meetings prayer-free. “We will remain vigilant as we will undoubtedly have to continue playing whack-a-mole with instances of local politicians privileging religion over non-religion in […]

Dear Harriett Baldwin, I am writing to you as your constituent. I struggle to give adequate expression to the outrage I feel at the hideous abuse this whole country has been subjected to by the over-entitled, lazy, egotistical, brazenly deceitful Boris Johnson. To make things worse, Conservative MPs hiding behind […]

A group of business leaders is calling on President Biden to step aside and make way for a replacement atop the Democratic Party’s presidential ticket. Leadership Now Project, a coalition of 400 politically active current and retired executives who mostly but not entirely lean left, issued a statement on Wednesday […]

After-Inflation Private Sector Average Weekly Wages During First 3 Trump Years: +2.81 percent After-Inflation Private Sector Average Weekly Wages During First 3 Biden Years: -3.39 percent (Source: Average weekly earnings of all employees, 1982-84 dollars, total private sector, seasonally adjusted, Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey […]

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