Three-term London mayor Sadiq Khan Conventional wisdom is that in a democracy, being a minority means being oppressed. What could be more obvious? Democracy means majority rule. And so we institute all manner of preferences and handouts for minorities. In the name of “equity.” But this is not how […]

  I have not read Peterson’s Twelve Rules for Life. I do not intend to read it. So it is no doubt iunfair of me to criticise it. But its subtitle to my mind tells the story: “An Antidote to Chaos.” This is why I will not read it, and […]

United States. Federal Reserve System. The dollar. Covered interest rate parity. Swaps. Christopher J Waller. ” … there has, for some time, been commentary predicting that the dollar is destined for demise—potentially an imminent demise. Such predictions have not materialized. However, the role of the United States in the world […]

FROM ILLINOIS CENTER-LEFT SOURCES CHICAGO SUN-TIMES— Illinois Republicans slam Trump conviction. ‘Stalin would be proud’ said state Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Dieterich. Even more moderate Illinois Republicans who don’t support the former president said they were “troubled” by the case that resulted in a conviction on 34 felony counts in New […]

FROM ILLINOIS CENTER-LEFT SOURCES ABC7— Donald Trump’s felony convictions likely bring new restrictions for his rights. Trump still faces three other felony indictments. – Julia Reinstein— Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with University of Chicago police near graduation in Hyde Park. One woman says she was pepper sprayed in the face. – […]

The “law of unintended consequences” leads to embarrassing and counterproductive outcomes. But the “law of intended consequences” can lead to worse.  As the tinderbox burns, Steve reflects on the quiet wisdom of Joe Biden. My favorite example of the “law of unintended consequences” is the story of the legislators who […]

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