Dear Harriett Baldwin, I am writing to you as your constituent. I struggle to give adequate expression to the outrage I feel at the hideous abuse this whole country has been subjected to by the over-entitled, lazy, egotistical, brazenly deceitful Boris Johnson. To make things worse, Conservative MPs hiding behind […]

A group of business leaders is calling on President Biden to step aside and make way for a replacement atop the Democratic Party’s presidential ticket. Leadership Now Project, a coalition of 400 politically active current and retired executives who mostly but not entirely lean left, issued a statement on Wednesday […]

After-Inflation Private Sector Average Weekly Wages During First 3 Trump Years: +2.81 percent After-Inflation Private Sector Average Weekly Wages During First 3 Biden Years: -3.39 percent (Source: Average weekly earnings of all employees, 1982-84 dollars, total private sector, seasonally adjusted, Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey […]

The Washington Post‘s decision this past Monday to part with its top editor has prompted quite the tempest in the paper’s newsroom. (Here’s a detailed account.) So many questions were fired by staff at the new boss(es): Why were outsiders chosen to replace her? Why were white males chosen? What […]

I was going to write this article yesterday, but 2024’s miserable damp squib of a summer unexpectedly delivered a beautiful day – a perfect 20C of unbroken sunshine with a refreshing slight breeze – so I went for a nice walk instead. Rather than my usual bird-feeding and bear-patrolling beat […]

In the modern political world, you don’t get anywhere without a movement, and movements don’t get anywhere without a flag. So we’ve decided it’s time to take action and stand up for a very large group of people who are genuinely discriminated against and significantly disadvantaged in our society. Here’s […]

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